el zorro
Con el motivo de los acontecimientos mundiales en las ultimas 24 horas quiero hacer ciertas declaraciones en que en el cual los acontecimientos son contrastantes y emocionantes y manifiestan y reflejan la solides de un comportamiento atípico y anímico de cómo se interpreta el mundo en sus diferentes etapas
siempre he dicho lo que pienso lo que ciento y lo que creo y en lo que creo por ello estimado público lector hago para la comunidad internacional estas sabias reflexiones y ajustes en que sin duda son contrastantes
porque los reconocimientos mejores de el mundo no son siempre justos y a ello se debería revalorar la estimación de la misma ética con que dichas resonancias y reconocimientos en todos los premios y en todos los gobiernos deberían tomar en cuenta y con mas seriedad
se que el gran comité de los premios novel nunca a sido cuestionado y a su ves tampoco interpelado pero en mi especial caso no lo hago a manera de interpelación o a manera de exclusiva noticia
pero es sumamente señalarle en que un inventor de la física mecánica y tecnológica mas relevante de los últimos 25 años en que sin duda revoluciono en vida la era moderna de la computación y las telecomunicaciones dejando el grado de legado pos morten en que el siglo este que comienza y que transcurre en sus inicio de su segunda década y en que la tecnología es sin duda la transportación y la era de la consolidación de las comunicaciones cualitativas y meta morfológicas no haya sido nunca reconocido con el premio novel de física mecánica y el grado de inventor cuando el presidente de los estados unidos de norte américa barack hussein obama ii[3] a recibido condolencias de su sensible fallecimiento de steve jobs en que mandatarios reyes de las principales naciones y potencias de el mundo han hecho su sentir y expresar y que decir de la prensa internacional en que pone y resalta sin duda hoy ya lamentablemente fallecido su legado
No importa si era multimillonario
No importa si necesitaba el premio
Lo que me preocupa señoras y señores de el gran comité es que ese importante legado por infinito conocimiento no haya sido valorado en una universidad en un encuentro internacional de inventores tanto de física como de tecnología
La física es y entra a el ramo hoy por hoy sumamente tecnológico porque las nuevas exigencias de un mundo cambiante e sus etapas y en eras en que entramos y estamos viviendo en la era de microchips y en la era comunicativa global
es sumamente absurdo en pensar que la era de la raza humana en su 3 fase y en su etapa de madures (vejes) es la mas resolutiva siendo y desterrando a las genialidades y e inventores y legados en que sin duda hoy por hoy mucha fuerza laboral juvenil a este mundo moderno en que ya palpamos no es valorada por cuestiones de políticas de premios obsoletas
En contrastes
Quiero felicitar a el premio novel de literatura 2011 tomas tranströmer en que sin conocer su obra literaria adjunto y me reservo mas declaración a el respecto
En cuanto a lo que sucede en México quiero expresar que el operativo en Veracruz re anunciado y revalorado rimbombantemente con tambores y cornetas es patético y ridículo siendo que la operatividad de el mismo es acéfalo puesto que en su planeación y resolución cuántica es regresiva a el pronostico en meses resaltados asía para con ustedes es y sigue siendo la misma
Nada mas que ahora de las amenazas y la situación de sicosis que se refleja en las principales ciudades del estado ahora se visualizaran escenarios de retrospectiva estilo guerrilla vividos a diario en ciudad juares chihuahua en donde las emocionantes películas de rambo que estelarizara el actor hollywoodense sylvester stallone se escenificaran en vivo y a todo color y a todas horas
Los inútiles Creen que por pararse en posición de escenografía protocolaria a realce fotográfico en tercera dimensión para o por pose modelado o creen que con hablar con voz mas ronca y e amenazante las cosas se mejoraran
A ellos digo que pueden irse al carajo y resalto no abra ningún proyecto o recomendación del ramo para que sigan resaltando sus corruptelas y disfrutando a discrecionalidad lo que inigualablemente reparten entre los veracruzanos y mexicanos y que ellos se adjudican y son hoy por hoy los dueños
Que quede claro y que se lea en voz alta México estando ellos en el poder no mejorara tampoco evolucionara a el ritmo que se debiera sin que haya la transformación ideológica y política en donde los grupos de facto resuelven desde afuera sus intereses
Y no se extrañe la comunidad internacional que antes de que se celebran las elecciones del año 2012 el grupo de facto y de poder negocie la misma presidencia de la república en donde las elecciones y jornada electoral seria una película un chiste una novela tan emocionante como las que se fabrican en mi nación (México) y que solo televisa promueve y dirige asiendo y promoviendo el monopolio de medios de radio televisión y prensa escrita mas grande de Latinoamérica
La sustancia cualitativa de lector conlleva a la sobriedad y estreches de expresión en el cual el mismo estado pretende acallar y silenciar avasallantemente mi libertad de expresión por ello dejo en claro que no descarto en que en días próximos tenga yo que proteger mis twitts y mi espacio de facebook para si nada mas en blogger seguir y ser la imagen internacional de mi expresión literaria
En que sin duda un estado fallido no es y no se mantiene con la suspicacia de complicidad de unos medios de comunicación renuentes y fallidos en donde a mas de 25 años estado y medios de comunicación avasallan y siguen avasallando la libertad de expresión en México
El escritor Carlos fuentes no es el mejor escritor de México pero si el mas favorecido en que sin duda con el apoyo gubernamental y de facto con escenografías y campañas publicitarias en México y a nivel internacional a discrecionalidad pretenden vender a un México resoluto y ávido y e identificado en sus antiguas letras cuando el sector intelectual en México y en el México moderno la ambigüedad de ser escritor se asegura y se forja de manera peculiar y diversa siendo de edad niño joven adolecente y viejo en el cual la gran versificación de la cultura mexicana las empresas de el monopolio no difunden al no estar en sus simpatías y sobretodo no favorecer a sus espurios intereses
El día 14 de octubre are nuevamente ante la organización de las naciones unidas y ante el tribunal internacional de la haya de Holanda el recordatorio de el mes
Gracias saludos
6 octubre 2011
EXCITINGA COMMITTEE OF THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY AWARDS NOVELNO RECOGNITION Nobel Prize physicist and inventor Steve JobsSWEDISH PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2011 THOMAS NOVEL TranstromerINTERNATIONAL PRESSTHE INTERNATIONAL PRESS1With the motive of world events in the last 24 hours I want to make certain statements in which the events are exciting and show contrasting, reflecting the solidity of atypical behavior and mind of how to interpret the world in its different stagesI've always said what I think what percent, what I believe and what I believe therefore estimated readership for the international community do these wise reflections and adjustments which are of course contrastingbecause the best in the world awards are not always fair, and it should reassess the estimate of the same ethics that these resonances and recognition in all prizes and all governments should take into account more seriously andis that the great novel awards committee never been questioned nor challenged her look but in my particular case I do to interpellation way or exclusive way newsbut it is highly indicated in which an inventor of mechanical physics and technology more relevant in the last 25 years that certainly revolutionized life in the modern era of computing and telecommunications, leaving the post mortem degree of legacy in this century that the starts and runs in its second decade beginning and that the technology is definitely the era of transportation and communications consolidating qualitative and morphological goal has not previously been recognized with the Nobel Prize in physics and the degree of mechanical inventor when the president of the United States of America II3 Barack Hussein Obama has received condolences from his regrettable death of Steve Jobs in which kings leaders of major nations and powers of the world have made their feelings and express and the press say international setting and certainly stands today and his legacy unfortunately deceasedNo matter if it was billionaireNo matter if he needed the prizeWhat worries me ladies and gentlemen of the grand committee is that this important legacy by infinite knowledge is not rated at a university in an international gathering of inventors of both physical and technologyPhysics is and enter the field today because new technology very demands of a changing world and its stages and that we were and are living in an age of microchips and global communication erais extremely absurd to think that the era of the human race as a 3-phase and stage of maturity (vejes) is the most resolute and being banished to the genius inventors and bequests ye no doubt that today many youth labor force this modern world in which we touch and is not valued by policy issues obsolete awardsIn contrastI congratulate the Nobel Prize for literature in 2011 shots Tranströmer that without knowing his writing assistant and reserve more respect statement2As for what happens in Mexico want to say that the announced operating and reassess re Veracruz bombastic drums and horns is pathetic and ridiculous being that the operation of the same is leaderless since in their planning and quantum resolution down to the forecast Asia highlighted in months with you is and remains the sameNow nothing but threats and the status of psychosis that is reflected in the major cities of the state are now displayed retrospective scenarios experienced daily guerrilla-style in Chihuahua City where Juares exciting Rambo films starring the Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone were staged live and full color all the timeThey believe that the useless position stand on protocol to enhance photographic scenery in three dimensions for modeling pose or to talk or think they more husky voice and e-threatening things improveThey say they can go to hell and I emphasize not open any project or industry recommendation to continue highlighting their corrupt and enjoying unparalleled discretion which shared between Veracruz and Mexico and they are awarded and are today the ownersLet's be clear and read aloud when they were in Mexico not improve the power to evolve either the rate that should without any ideological and political transformation in which the groups de facto solved from outside interestsAnd do not miss the international community that before holding elections of 2012 the group de facto and to negotiate the same president of the republic where elections and election day would be a movie a novel a joke as exciting as manufactured in my country (Mexico) and only televised promotes and directs grabbing and promoting media monopoly of radio, television and newspapers in Latin America's largest3The reader qualitative substance leads to simplicity and narrowness of expression in which the state seeks to silence and overwhelming silence my freedom of expression made it clear that this does not rule out that in next few days I have to protect my tweets and my space facebook for if nothing else on blogger to follow and be the international image of my literary expressionIn what certainly is not a failed state and is not held with suspicion of complicity in a media where reluctant and failing to state more than 25 years and the media continue to subjugate and enslaving freedom of expression in MexicoThe writer Carlos Fuentes is the best writer in Mexico but the most favored no doubt that government support and de facto sets and advertising campaigns in Mexico and internationally at the discretion intend to sell to a resolute and eager ye Mexico identified their old letters when the intellectual sector in Mexico and modern Mexico ambiguity of being a writer is assured and forged in an unusual and diverse young child being old teen and old in which the great diversification of Mexican culture companies not broadcast monopoly by not being in their sympathies, and above all do not favor their interests spurious4On October 14 are again before the United Nations organization and international court in The Hague in Netherlands, a reminder of the monthWith greetings
EXCITINGA COMMITTEE OF THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY AWARDS NOVELNO RECOGNITION Nobel Prize physicist and inventor Steve JobsSWEDISH PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2011 THOMAS NOVEL TranstromerINTERNATIONAL PRESSTHE INTERNATIONAL PRESS1With the motive of world events in the last 24 hours I want to make certain statements in which the events are exciting and show contrasting, reflecting the solidity of atypical behavior and mind of how to interpret the world in its different stagesI've always said what I think what percent, what I believe and what I believe therefore estimated readership for the international community do these wise reflections and adjustments which are of course contrastingbecause the best in the world awards are not always fair, and it should reassess the estimate of the same ethics that these resonances and recognition in all prizes and all governments should take into account more seriously andis that the great novel awards committee never been questioned nor challenged her look but in my particular case I do to interpellation way or exclusive way newsbut it is highly indicated in which an inventor of mechanical physics and technology more relevant in the last 25 years that certainly revolutionized life in the modern era of computing and telecommunications, leaving the post mortem degree of legacy in this century that the starts and runs in its second decade beginning and that the technology is definitely the era of transportation and communications consolidating qualitative and morphological goal has not previously been recognized with the Nobel Prize in physics and the degree of mechanical inventor when the president of the United States of America II3 Barack Hussein Obama has received condolences from his regrettable death of Steve Jobs in which kings leaders of major nations and powers of the world have made their feelings and express and the press say international setting and certainly stands today and his legacy unfortunately deceasedNo matter if it was billionaireNo matter if he needed the prizeWhat worries me ladies and gentlemen of the grand committee is that this important legacy by infinite knowledge is not rated at a university in an international gathering of inventors of both physical and technologyPhysics is and enter the field today because new technology very demands of a changing world and its stages and that we were and are living in an age of microchips and global communication erais extremely absurd to think that the era of the human race as a 3-phase and stage of maturity (vejes) is the most resolute and being banished to the genius inventors and bequests ye no doubt that today many youth labor force this modern world in which we touch and is not valued by policy issues obsolete awardsIn contrastI congratulate the Nobel Prize for literature in 2011 shots Tranströmer that without knowing his writing assistant and reserve more respect statement2As for what happens in Mexico want to say that the announced operating and reassess re Veracruz bombastic drums and horns is pathetic and ridiculous being that the operation of the same is leaderless since in their planning and quantum resolution down to the forecast Asia highlighted in months with you is and remains the sameNow nothing but threats and the status of psychosis that is reflected in the major cities of the state are now displayed retrospective scenarios experienced daily guerrilla-style in Chihuahua City where Juares exciting Rambo films starring the Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone were staged live and full color all the timeThey believe that the useless position stand on protocol to enhance photographic scenery in three dimensions for modeling pose or to talk or think they more husky voice and e-threatening things improveThey say they can go to hell and I emphasize not open any project or industry recommendation to continue highlighting their corrupt and enjoying unparalleled discretion which shared between Veracruz and Mexico and they are awarded and are today the ownersLet's be clear and read aloud when they were in Mexico not improve the power to evolve either the rate that should without any ideological and political transformation in which the groups de facto solved from outside interestsAnd do not miss the international community that before holding elections of 2012 the group de facto and to negotiate the same president of the republic where elections and election day would be a movie a novel a joke as exciting as manufactured in my country (Mexico) and only televised promotes and directs grabbing and promoting media monopoly of radio, television and newspapers in Latin America's largest3The reader qualitative substance leads to simplicity and narrowness of expression in which the state seeks to silence and overwhelming silence my freedom of expression made it clear that this does not rule out that in next few days I have to protect my tweets and my space facebook for if nothing else on blogger to follow and be the international image of my literary expressionIn what certainly is not a failed state and is not held with suspicion of complicity in a media where reluctant and failing to state more than 25 years and the media continue to subjugate and enslaving freedom of expression in MexicoThe writer Carlos Fuentes is the best writer in Mexico but the most favored no doubt that government support and de facto sets and advertising campaigns in Mexico and internationally at the discretion intend to sell to a resolute and eager ye Mexico identified their old letters when the intellectual sector in Mexico and modern Mexico ambiguity of being a writer is assured and forged in an unusual and diverse young child being old teen and old in which the great diversification of Mexican culture companies not broadcast monopoly by not being in their sympathies, and above all do not favor their interests spurious4On October 14 are again before the United Nations organization and international court in The Hague in Netherlands, a reminder of the monthWith greetings
AUTOR EL ZORRO SEUDÓNIMO DANIEL GARCÍA ROMÁN Pagina de internet http://www.megaupload.com/?f=D61BL615 twitter (ELZORROO) facebook (daniel garcía román o garcia.romandaniel@gmail.com... – blogger EL ZORRO